A Friendship that helps

British Flair
6.-8. September 2024

  • Deutsch
  • English


Our main aim is to raise money for local charities through fund-raising events including the Tombola at British Flair, as well as other events organised during the year such as concerts, film presentations, musical soirées, etc.

At the same time we aim to promote British-German relations in and around Hamburg, providing a platform for the various Anglophile and British societies and clubs in the area to meet at and participate in communal events.

Our short, colourful documentation of British Flair

Please take a look at our customised film, exclusively made for Friends of Britain, that celebrates our 30th anniversary of our annual “British Flair” fundraising event! This project would not have been made possible without the generous help of our sponsors:

Mr Nicholas Teller – the British Honorary Consul in Hamburg
Ms Stefanie Nießen
Mr Claus Budelmann
Ms Linda Struck
Mr Clive Kennedy

We thank our noble supporters very much!

Any questions?
Call us
040 830 1076
040 830 1689
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