April 2021 - "Friends of Britain e.V." digitally elects Freundeskreis Die ARCHE Hamburg e.V. as the main charity for British Flair 2021
"Friends of Britain e.V." digitally elects Freundeskreis Die ARCHE Hamburg e.V. as the main charity for British Flair 2021.
Tobias Lucht, regional director of Die ARCHE Hamburg (www.freundeskreis-arche-hh.de), was delighted to hear the news that they had been chosen as the British Flair Charity 2021.
Our event this year marks a very special occasion – namely 30 years of British Flair (1990-2020) and will take place at the Hamburg Polo Club in Klein Flottbek from 6th to 8th August 2021.
Our committee was very happy with the results of the virtual charity vote. Die ARCHE was immediately congratulated by all the other charity representatives digitally present.
It was a close decision between ArztMobil Hamburg gUG (Julia Hermann), Dunkelziffer e.V. (Vera Falck), Stiftung Ein Platz für Kinder (Sonja Möller) and Krisenchat.de gUG (Iris Lanz), who also presented their organisations virtually.
All these charities are very relevant and indispensable – especially in these difficult times. However, Die ARCHE won the overall vote for this year's British Flair charity.
We look forward to seeing you at our event (6th to 8th August 2021). To keep up-to-date with the latest developments for British Flair, please visit https://www.britishflair.de/British-Flair-Aktuelles.html
July 2019 - Since 1991, our association has been able to donate about € 800,000 to charity projects in Hamburg and the North of Germany
This year the funds raised by Friends of Britain e.V. at the British Flair event will be in favour of the MUT Academy – project: Camps for giving Hamburg pupils from a challenging environment the courage to achieve a school leaving certificate and to move on into professional life.